Unsubscribe User

In order to unsubscribe user from Centili platform you must use HTTP POST method in application/json format, sent to the following URL with parameters described below:


POST opt-out request

URL: http://api.centili.com/payment/rest/optout
Method: POST
Content type: application/json



ParameterDescriptionExampleRequired as
apikeyCentili issued service key, unique for every payment service.f31a355df6dad07e49ba474db7ff9b07 mandatory
timestampUnix timestamp used to differentiate every request as a unique one. The number string represents seconds.1462888063 mandatory
subscriptionidUnique identifier of subscription in Centili system. If subscriptionID is used than userid parameter can be skipped.1234567optional
useridIf userID is used than subscriptionid parameter can be skipped.usrId1983

NOTE: If the value is not set within payment request, this field will contain MSISDN of the particular customer.
signSignature parameter created using key issued for signing request.

NOTE: Please refer to the signature key generation guide.

Possible server responses

Server responseMeaningPossible Error messages
HTTP 202 AcceptedUser has been successfully unsubscribed./
HTTP 400 Bad requestUnsubscribe request is invalid or cannot be resolved.-Bad request
-Mandatory parameters missing!
-Signature validation failed!
-Subscription does not exists.
-Action is not supported
HTTP 406 Not AcceptableOpt-out transaction already exists.There is already an outgoing opt-out process for this user.
HTTP 500 Server error.Some unexpected internal server error has occured.Server error.