Transactions API
In order to use this API, You will need to send Authentiaction Header !
This API can give You overview of all transactions in Centili system...
Request must be sent as HTTP POST with Content-Type: application/json.
URL to which request should be posted
Example of POST request
Content-Type: application/json
Example of response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"mtMessage":"Obrigada pela sua compra. Você pagou ( 7.00EUR +tributos)",
"serviceName":"Games Unlimited",
"timeCharged":"2017-08-16 11:41:08",
"timeChargedLocal":"2017-08-16 12:41:08",
"timeNotified":"2017-08-16 11:42:08",
"timeUpdated":"2017-08-16 11:42:08",
All parameters which You can send in request, or get in response
Parameter | Request | Response | Example of param value | Info |
“actionStatus” | null “COMPLETED” "FAILED" "CANCELED" | Transaction status at the and of it's life-cycle. | ||
"amount" | 1 7 50 ... | If merchant is using several prices for a same product / amount of his product, this can help identifying the package (like 7 days subscription to online theater, package of 50 diamonds android game etc...) | ||
“billingType” | "MO" “MT” "DMB" | Billing technology. | ||
"comment" | null "or some comment..." | When someone is updating transaction manually (most often Centili support or system itself), comment can be added... | ||
"country" | “pt” | 2 letters country parameter. We are using "ISO 3166-1 alpha-2" standard. Here is full list of 2 letter country codes. | ||
"currency" | “EUR” | Currency in which price is presented. | ||
“encryptedTransactionId” | “zDmk6KHo2K3prWtovNCRKQ==“ | Encrypted version of "transactionId". | ||
“endUserPrice” | 0.000 2.07 7.00 … | Final price paid (or should have been paid if transaction is failed) by the customer (end-user) in local currency with VAT included. In some countries this price is higher then the service price, because there are additional taxes added by that countries' governments. | ||
“errorMessage” | null "Charging failed." "Insufficient funds" "Canceled by timeout - expired" … | Error description in case of failed transaction. | ||
“errorType” | null "CANCELED_BY_USER" "WRONG_PIN" "SUBSCRIBER_BLACKLISTED" "NOT_ENOUGH_CREDIT" … | Type of error which occurred (if it occurred). Click here to see the whole list. | ||
“executionTime” | null yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss | Time when scheduled transaction will execute. | ||
“finishedBy” | null "s.georgijev" | If transaction is updated manually, this param shows user who made the update. | ||
“integrationSolution” | “SMS” "SEP" "API" | Channel trough which transaction is initiated. It should present the integration type of merchant to Centili platform. | ||
"ip" | null "" … | End-user's IP | ||
"keyword" | null “D10" | Keyword which has been sent to "shortCode" (Premium SMS connections). | ||
“merchantName” | "Go4Mobile" | Name of the merchant in Centili’s system. | ||
“merchantNotificationStatus” | "PENDING" "DELIVERED" "EXCLUDED" "REJECTED" "FAILED" | Indicates if merchant is successfully notified about particular transaction | ||
“merchantReference” | null "1209xyz007" | Reference to customer or transaction at merchant side, sent by them in payment initiation step. | ||
“moMessage” | null "BADOO GND" ... | Original SMS message received from the customer. | ||
"msisdn" | “66876696573" | "Mobile (phone) number of customer. It is in E.164 format excluding plus (""+"") character." | ||
“mtMessage” | "Obrigada pela sua compra. Você pagou ( 2.99EUR +tributos)" | MT message sent to end-user. | ||
"operator" | “PT_NOS” | Mobile Network Operator code in Centili’s system. | ||
“pinIdentification” | null "JF2" ... | PIN code user received through SMS. | ||
"price" | 0.000 1.50 2.75 … | Price paid (or should have been paid if transaction is failed) by the customer (end-user) in local currency with VAT included. | ||
"provider" | “PT_NOS” "TELENOR_GROUP" "ORANGE_GROUP" … | Provider code in Centili’s system. | ||
"reference" | null "xyz123abc002" | "transactionId" in Operator's system (if Operator has transaction management on their side) | ||
“serviceKey” | “0fc073fbcba4916c9155dd57a08454b2" | "Unique identifier of each service registered inside Centili Payment Platform (API key). Consists of alphanumeric characters and counts up to 32 characters." | ||
“serviceName” | "Games Unlimited" | Name of the service in Centili’s system. | ||
“servicePrice” | 10.700 4.00 ... | Price which end-user will pay when successfully charged (successful renewal) in local currency with VAT included. Price for every service is set up on Centili platform. | ||
“shortCode” | “4882269" | Short number to which SMS has been sent (Premium SMS connections). | ||
“subscriptionId” | 4304326630 | Unique subscription identifier in Centili Payment Platform. Used to identify any particular subscription within Centili system. | ||
“timeCharged” | yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss | Time in UTC-0 when charging happened if it was successful, and if the action itself has price > 0. This param will be present even in the transactions which have no cost (price=0.00), and in failed transactions also. * When using dates in requests, they should be sent in the format: "timeCharged" : {"gt":"2017-08-07 12:44:19" , "lt":"2017-08-07 13:44:19"} where "gt" means greater then, and "lt" means less then. | ||
“timeChargedLocal” | yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss | Same as above, just in local timezone. * request: "timeChargedLocal" : {"gt":"2017-08-07 12:44:19" , "lt":"2017-08-07 13:44:19"} | ||
“timeNotified” | null yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss | Time in UTC-0 when merchant received notification about transaction. | ||
“timeUpdated” | yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss | Time in UTC-0 when transaction lyfe-cycle finished. * request: "timeUpdated" : {"gt":"2017-08-07 12:44:19" , "lt":"2017-08-07 13:44:19"} | ||
“transactionId” | 4970484531 | Unique transaction identifier in Centili Payment Platform. Used to identify any particular transaction within Centili system. | ||
“transactionState” | "EXECUTING" "PENDING" "FINISHED" "FAILED" "CANCELED" "SKIPPED" "SCHEDULED" | Shows current state of the transaction. |
Updated almost 7 years ago