Redirect after Payment (for API)
Once the payment step has been performed, user will be redirected to the URL previously sent by you in the subscription initiation step.
Validity of the parameters that were sent in initial payment request will determine the redirection process. Basically, it depends on whether the transaction is successful, canceled or failed.
Redirection when payment is successful
If status of the payment flow is SUCCESS, end user will be redirected to returnurl, which should lead directly to content.
Examples of redirection flow are presented below:
- One Time Payment
- Subscription×tamp=1449502720750&trid=xxxxxxxxxxx&subscriptionid=xxxxxxxxx
In cases when “returnurl” is sent with valid value (i.e. valid URL,, user will be returned to URL specified. If this parameter is not sent in initial request, Centili will display final payment page and remain on it by default.
In case when user is redirected to return URL, our system will forward additional parameters in order to supply you with all necessary data about the particular transaction and its status. Those parameters will be added to return URL and are described below:
Parameter | Description | Example |
trid | Unique identifier of transaction in Centili system. | 123456789 |
userid | Identification of the end user that is performing the payment. | usrId1983 NOTE: If the value is not set within payment request, this field will contain MSISDN of the particular customer. |
status | Status of finished transaction. | Possible values: success failed * canceled |
reference | Unique identification parameter under your system (pass-through variable, equal to the value of clientid parameter sent in Subscription Initiation request). | appID1 |
operator | Code of Mobile Network Operator. | ES_VODAFONE |
timestamp | Unix timestamp used to differentiate every request as a unique one. The number string represents seconds. | 1462888063 |
sign | Represents signed string of all concatenated request parameters sorted alphabetically with Centili issued key using previously agreed encoding algorithm. NOTE: Please refer to the signature key generation guide. | def0a0ba4f188cf174d383dc4d7f7041e358ba92 |
subscriptionid | If user is subscribed you will get ID of his subscription under Centili system. NOTE: this parameter is delivered only for subscription services. | 1234567 |
When WAP flow is enabled, you can also get a unique identifier of the identification transaction, so-called “identid”, concatenated to parameter list. Check this page for more information.
Redirection when payment is canceled
If transaction is CANCELED, before user entered his mobile number into Centili widget user will be returned back to initially sent returnurl during payment request with parameters: status=canceled.
If transaction is CANCELED by user during payment flow, we will return user back to returnURL with following parameters:
- status=canceled
- trid=231xxxxx
- userid=
- msisdn=<enduser_msisdn>
- operator=<enduser_mno>
- reference=<your_transaction_identifier>
Redirection when payment is failed
If transaction is in FAILED state, it means that some error occurred during payment flow and user will be returned back with following parameters:
- status=failed
- trid=231xxxxxx
- userid=
- reference=
- error_description=
Depending on the country your services are deployed to, parameters you receive in this redirection may vary. For final update please check with Centili Platform Operations team via [email protected]
Next step...
The final step of every payment transaction is being notified of the outcome - i.e. whether the payment was sucessful or not. Payment result notification provides you with all the relevant data for your further processing.
Please refer to Payment Result Notification guide for complete reference on how to get notifications.
Updated over 2 years ago