Unlock value voucher
In order to unlock value vouchers with Centili Vouchers API, you need to send HTTP PUT request with voucher codes in request body and Content-Type: application/json.
Before initiating an unlock voucher request you will need to obtain an access token, with client vouchers
and provided secret.
URL to which a request should be sent:
PUT unlock voucher request
https://{host}/vouchers/v1/value/unlock HTTP/1.1
Host: {host}:443
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization:bearer token
"codes": ["35V7CN67FT","J9J6UID26U"]
Parameter | Description | Example | Required |
codes | Voucher codes you want to unlock | ["35V7CN67FT","J9J6UID26U"] | mandatory |
host | Hostname | api.example.com | mandatory |
All vouchers must be in status LOCKED in order to be unlocked. If any of the voucher codes are in a different status, none of them will be unlocked.
PUT unlock voucher response
Vouchers are unlocked
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"code": "35V7CN67FT",
"status": "INACTIVE"
"code": "J9J6UID26U",
"status": "INACTIVE"
Some or all of the provided vouchers are in wrong state for unlocking (not in LOCKED state)
Content-Type: application/json
"errorCode": "INVALID_STATE",
"errorMessage": "All vouchers must be LOCKED in order to become INACTIVE"
Updated 10 months ago