Services API

Obtain the information about services, countries and packages


In order to use this API, You will need to send Authentiaction Header !

click here to


This API will provide you with Centili service information

There are 3 methods which can be used:
Services, Countries, and Packages.


Requests must be sent as HTTP POST with Content-Type: application/json composed of parameters with associated values.


URL to which request should be posted

Example of POST request

Content-Type: application/json

    "serviceKey": "2ea0e6c989b433d6c591633f91c67e07",
    "optInTrid": "4970484531",
    "msisdn": "66876696573"

Example of a response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

    "active": true,
    "contentType": "Adult content",
    "merchant": "Go4Mobile",
    "name": "Games Unlimited",
    "ownedBy": "centili",
    "serviceKey": "0fc073fbcba49xzc9155dd57a08454b2",
    "timeCreated": "2017-08-07 12:44:19",
    "type": "xx"

All parameters - Services

ParameterRequestResponseExample of param valueInfo
Shows if service is active on Centili platform.
"contentType""Adult content"
"Fun and hobby"
"Office software"
"Other digital content"
"Payment Service Providers"
"Physical Goods"
"Social Networks and Dating"
"Vending Machines"
"Video and Music Streaming Service"
Indicates the type of content which particular service is providing.
"merchant""Go4Mobile"Name of the merchant in Centili’s system.
"name""Games Unlimited"Name of the service in Centili’s system.
Shows if merchant is acquired by Operator or by Centili.
"serviceKey""0fc073fbcba49xzc9155dd57a08454b2"Unique identifier of each service registered inside Centili Payment Platform (API key).
Consists of alphanumeric characters and counts up to 32 characters.
"timeCreated""yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"Time/date when service is created on Centili platform.

* When using dates in requests, they should be sent in the format:
"timeCreated" : {"gt":"2017-08-07 12:44:19" , "lt":"2017-08-07 13:44:19"}
where "gt" means greater then, and "lt" means less then
"One Time Payment"
The type of service


URL to which request should be posted{serviceKey}/countries

Example of POST request

Content-Type: application/json

    "active": "",
    "approvalStatus": "",
    "countryCode": "",
    "timeLaunched": {
        "gt": "2017-09-07 15:17:12",
        "lt": "2017-09-07 19:17:12"

Example of a response

    "active": "true",
    "approvalStatus": "APPROVED",
    "countryCode": "pt",
    "countryName": "Portugal",
    "timeLaunched": "2017-08-07 12:44:19"

All parameters - Countries

ParameterRequestResponseExample of param valueInfo
Shows if service is active or not.
Status of service's approval.
2 letters country parameter. We are using "ISO 3166-1 alpha-2" standard. Here is full list of 2 letter country codes.
Country name.
"serviceKey"mandatory in URL path, not in body !0fc073fbcba49xzc9155dd57a08454b2Unique identifier of each service registered inside Centili Payment Platform (API key).
Consists of alphanumeric characters and counts up to 32 characters.
"timeLaunched""yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"Date when service started with live traffic.

* When using dates in requests, they should be sent in the format:
"timeLaunched" : {"gt":"2017-08-07 12:44:19" , "lt":"2017-08-07 13:44:19"}
where "gt" means greater then, and "lt" means less then


URL to which request should be posted{serviceKey}/{countryCode}/packages

Example of POST request

Content-Type: application/json

    "price": {
        "gt": "5.00",
        "lt": "5.00"

Example of a response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

    "amount": "1",
    "currency": "EUR",
    "paymentType": "mobile",
    "price": "5.00",
    "unit": "token"

All parameters - Packages

ParameterRequestResponseExample of param valueInfo
"amount"1If merchant is using several prices for a same product / amount of his product, this can help identifying the package (like 7 days subscription to online theater, package of 50 diamonds android game etc...)
"countryCode"mandatory in URL path, not in body !pt2 letters country parameter. We are using "ISO 3166-1 alpha-2" standard. Here is full list of 2 letter country codes.
"currency""EUR"Currency in which price is presented.
mobile - payment via mobile phone
wallet - scratch cards etc..
"price"5.00Price which end-user will pay when successfully charged (successful renewal) in local currency with VAT included.
Price for every service is set up on Centili platform.

* When using price in request, it should be sent in the format:
"price" : {"gt":"5.00" , "lt":"5.00"}
where "gt" means greater then, and "lt" means less then.
"serviceKey"mandatory in URL path, not in body !0fc073fbcba49xzc9155dd57a08454b2Unique identifier of each service registered inside Centili Payment Platform (API key).
Consists of alphanumeric characters and counts up to 32 characters.
"unit"tokenItem being sold by service.